Friday, March 25, 2011

Enough Already

On Wednesday I had conversations in my head all the way to the office. Who would I speak to, and what would I say to them? "sorry, boss, can't take any more. I quit." What actually happened was a blur. Something snapped and I pounded past HR's office. He asked me if I needed anything. Asked if I wanted to give him those reports or papers or whatever was in my hand. I swerved into his office and said "the only thing I'm going to give you is my resignation!!" and I burst into tears. That was professional.

I sat in that office, and put it all on the table. That was it. I am done. I resign. I am giving notice. I really had not planned to go this way. I wanted to be professional. Instead I was a blubbering fool. Note: if you are in HR, you should always have a box of kleenex in your office.