Thursday, September 1, 2011

I am weighing my personal value. It weighs less each day. Unlike my girth which seems to grow uglier and rounder by the day. I left my job. I walked away from my career which had fizzled down to a pitiful job as a desk jockey. Sure, I did the right thing. Sure, it was going to make my health better. Sure, it was going to sooth my wounded soul. Right. Sure. Really? So I spend a summer rattling around my house. I managed to paint one small cupboard and put new door pulls on it. What a marvelous, spectacular remodel project! I cleaned the bathrooms. I never did transplant the lilies. I never got around to moving the peonies from that too shady spot. I did not get around to starting that short story that is rattling around in my head. Oh wait, yes I did start it. Then I deleted it because it sounded incredibly pedantic. I put on my elastic waistband pants and got ready to be a substitute teacher. I compiled supplies to take with me on my sub jobs. I read materials about sub survival. I got my licenses up to date, set my preferences in the substitute software module. And when the job finally came to me, I turned it down. I screwed up my courage and did finally take a day's work and nearly threw up in the morning. As I drove to the school my hands were clammy. I was afraid to do this. But I went into the building after several serious moments thinking I'd just turn around and go home. I survived the day. I probably did OK. I don't know. I will only know if I blew it -- if the teacher requests that I never sub in her class again. Haven't heard that... hope that won't happen. I need structure and order. I need to know what I'm going to be doing each day. This waiting to hear my laptop go BING! to let me know there is a job I can take a look at accepting is crazy. I need to make a living. So I have put in applications at the university and more applications at the school system. But will I even get an interview? I have become a sorry sad sack. I am feeling pitiful. It is horrible to feel this way. It is stupid and self serving and useless. Useless I say. Useless. that's how I feel. I clean the litter box, do the dishes, put out the trash. Check emails, do some correspondence. Wind down some of my volunteer stuff. I made a short speech in front of a full auditorium - and I managed to get laughs in the places I intended. That was great. That felt great. I met my daughter's teachers and really enjoyed the evening going from class to class. Her media literacy class looks like a gas. I wish I could sit in on that one... Being in the school makes me happy. So, I have to find myself a niche - and figure out a way to get a paying gig in the school system. Subbing is going to send me over the edge. Somebody give me a classroom!! Or a clerical job... You have no idea how good I can be... hope no one reads this. it is pitiful. but it's no longer inside me and that's what counts. Better out than in.


  1. Write it out. Keep applying for U jobs like you're playing the lotto, take any subbing you can get and make yourself a schedule for home. make yourself write at a certain time a day, clean at another work-out etc. You're not pathetic. You're just going through a HUGE life change and those are harder the older we get. You'll get through this, just like you've gotten through everything else. You are beautiful and amazing.

  2. wow it was a pitiful moment eh? Still working it out. Still applying for jobs. And have an opportunity that came out of no where - which is how things often happen.
