Sunday, September 5, 2010

Reading what I last wrote in the blog I see that much time has passed and a great deal has happened. The great deal...maybe not such a "great" deal, but a deal for sure. We sold the business. We managed to negotiate a plan to keep our company operating, and continue to have jobs. We lost our bookkeeper of 22 years, who just happens to be my sister in law. That was the hardest blow. It seemed so unfair. It was unfair. But, in business, fair or nice doesn't have an item line in the balance sheet. So, I have taken on a new position at the new place. My first month there was really tough. Odd because, for the most part, the people are very nice. My sense is that the new place is attempting a growth cycle that is not allowing for good structure or training. Most of us are feeling like we're only ever getting half the information we need to follow the processes dictated by the management team. I had my tantrums. I walked out a few times. And my husband has yet to really engage with the new team. I feel, though, that I turned a corner in the last week, and have come to a better understanding of my self and what is expected of me. I still get contradictory instructions from management. I imagine we always will. So, we find middle ground in there... and do the best we can. Probably the best thing that has happened to me in this process is that I found a bit of my own back bone. I put my foot down and told them that I was no longer the go-between for them and Dave. If they want something from him, they're going to have to ask for themselves. I just can not do it any more. I have my own feelings and responsibilities to handle. I am sure it will take some time to fully realize that plan. But we have started in the right direction.

I find that I had it very easy for the last 27 years.... I never worked as hard as this crew works. Perhaps that is why we, ultimately, didn't make it.

But something I need to keep in perspective: while I raised my children I had great freedom to come and go at will. Both my girls are fairly autonomous now - and they don't need me to the same degree as they did growing up. So, really, I am lucky to have had that time - those many years of great freedom. I guess now it's time to pay for it.

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