Saturday, June 26, 2010

Every day I think about sitting here and pouring out feelings. I might start a sentence...but then I read how puny my thoughts are. I think about what goes on with me in comparison to the bigger picture out there. And, really - can I be serious that I am upset about anything? My house was not flooded into oblivion, my shores are not oiled, my business, though it suffers from recession, has options. I don't have cancer. My children are smart, funny, beautiful, and healthy. I have a marriage that lasts.

I have a great life. Let's face it. Here's one reason why:

Last night I met up with a crazy bunch of Iowa City friends. We met at George's to have a chance to say hello to a friend who is in town for a short time. She and her family live in China. So, yeah, it was kind of a big deal. We all gathered and kibbutzed while waiting for our friend. She ambled in relatively quietly - which was funny because everyone was watching for the doors for her entrance. Each time someone would walk in we'd all be ready to jump up and say hello. And time after time it was someone else who entered. Finally she strolled in. She caught the eye of one friend and was surprised. Then she caught the eye of one after another of us - and the look on her face was priceless. I think it must be a fabulous feeling to know that, after many many years, there is a CROWD of folks who have fond memories and can't wait to make more with you. We drank a few toasts. I looked around the room and recalled days so long ago when all of us were either waiting tables, tending bar, cooking, or washing dishes. And look at us all now -- some are retired from "real" jobs, and all are real live, full fledged grown ups with lives and families. We chatted about our children (flying off to Italy for soccer camp... finishing college..) and home grown raspberries made into syrup for ice cream. We mourned our own parents recently passed. We made fun of each other. We borrowed each others reading glasses because none of us can see anything anymore!

I have to smile. It is required.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sad I missed that. I was going to try to see her, but I had things to do with my girls. It sounds like ti was wonderful.
